Orbis Defencera is the first ever edible moisturiser approved by the Japanese government for healthy, glowing skin


Moisturiser is one of the most important steps in skincare to attain healthy, glowing skin. If you’re facing skin problems such as dryness, burning, redness, acne or even oiliness, your skin probably needs more moisture.

edible moisturiser orbis defencera peach yuzu muscat
Photo: Orbis Singapore

Orbis Defencera has an edible moisturiser that can help us keep our skin moisturised fuss-free. Topical moisturisers and maybe skincare supplements might be the norm, but I’ve definitely never heard of skincare that’s done by eating. If there are any scientists reading this, please develop more products that we can eat in place of our daily routines. All jokes aside, this little sachet of yuzu, muscat or peach-flavoured powder contains high-purity ceramide extract from brown rice that helps to prevent moisture loss. Ceramide is a substance found on our skin surface that prevents moisture from escaping and bacteria from entering. Basically it’s like an immigration checkpoint officer for your skin. However, as we age, we start to lose these ceramides which is why replenishing them is so important.

skin barrier ceramides cracked aging
Photo: Unsplash

You might feel that way because many moisturisers feel tacky and heavy on your skin, especially with Singapore‘s hot and humid weather. Many might also think that having oily skin means that using moisturiser is pretty contradictory The truth is, oily skin can still be dehydrated. Remember, oil and water are two completely different things and while your skin might have an abundance of oil, it still needs moisture to prevent all those skin issues mentioned above. For me at 25, the most daunting thing about having dehydrated skin is that it accelerates signs of aging as well so finding ways to fill in those cracks and lock in the moisture is pivotal.

However, being a skeptic and hypochondriac, I had to have some questions answered before I gave this edible moisturiser a green light. After all, it could very well be just a gimmicky product backed only by pseudoscience. Thankfully, it isn’t and you’ll be happy to know why.

japan foshu edible moisturiser certification health authority
Photo: Orbis Malaysia

Orbis Defencera is an edible skincare product that has been perfected through 10 years of research and given the Food For Specified Health Uses (FOSHU) status by the government health authority of Japan (Consumer Affairs Agency of Japan).

This status is obtained through stringent testing for safety and is notoriously difficult to get. Orbis Defencera went through four years of strict testing to be officially approved so it’s safe to say that it isn’t just some shady supplement you randomly find on the streets somewhere. It’s also the first government-approved oral skincare product in Japan.

Can’t we just use normal moisturisers and eat ceramide-containing food like soy and eggs? Of course we can, but research by skin science specialists like Dr. Satoshi Hirakawa states that consuming purified ceramides like the ones found in Orbis Defencera can help further enhance the benefits to our skin health as compared to having just the ceramides in food.

orbis defencera edible moisturiser powder sachet
Photo: Orbis Singapore

According to the research team behind the brand, having one sachet (taken once a day) of Orbis Defencera is equivalent to applying moisturiser for 24 hours to our whole body, which is great for people with dry skin issues from chapped lips to cracked heels. That’s 24 hours of moisture without the greasiness or hassle in just about two seconds. It can also be taken with or without water, whichever way you prefer.

edible moisturiser healthy skin orbis defencera
Photo: @feliseet/instagram

One box of Orbis Defencera contains 30 sachets (one month) and costs S$54 on their website. I first came across the product while browsing through a Welcia-BHG pharmacy so you can get them there too.

It’s said that it’s best to take the product regularly for three months for the most effective results, so I guess we’ll find out then. I do have high hopes though.

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