Documentary+ is a streaming app that is entirely free

by Natalie Lim

Sixteen numbers, an expiry date, and a 3-digit security code. That’s all it takes to unlock the crisp, 1080p movies on Netflix, the latest banger by Billie Eilish on Spotify…. Or to run YouTube without ads.

It’s as if anything remotely considered as a premium service runs on a subscription basis now, so when Documentary+ was released as a free app, it was an astoundment for our wallets.

What is Documentary+?

Photo: instagram/@mashablepk

Think Netflix, but for documentaries. Founded by studio XTR and the late Tony Hsieh, Documentary+ is a free documentary streaming platform with categories like music, politics, culture, true crime, science & nature, icons, sports, comedy, and cults. From academy Award-winning films to festival favourites, the app houses non-fiction content that cinephiles will love.

What’s on Documentary+?

Classics like The Imposter, Born into Brothels, Cartel Land, My Best Fiend, and Life, Animated, are available in the library, along with movies from nominated filmmakers such as Spike Jonze, Kathryn Bigelow, Terrence Malick, Brett Morgen, Andrea Nevins, Roger Ross Williams, Zana Briski, Davis Guggenheim, and Werner Herzog.

With aspiring filmmakers struggling against strong competitors, Documentary+ also features work from affluential producers, providing them a channel for distribution. Some of the up-and-comers to name are Lana Wilson (Miss Americana) and Ramona S. Diaz (A Thousand Cuts).

What does it look like?

Documentary+ separates its films into categories, and its algorithms curate a personalized selection of films that are pushed to the top of your list.

Although there isn’t a “Continue Watching” section, the app does save your progress and you’ll be able to pick up from where you left off.

Where is it available?

Documentary+ is currently available on all IOS and Android devices, as well as Fire TV, Apple TV, Roku, and

Do I have to pay for it?

Documentary+ is entirely free, for now. Its only drawback would be the single ad that users would have to go through before their movie. But that problem is miniscule as compared to the five advertisements I’ve to watch to complete my YouTube video.  

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