Hydeout lets you create online avatars to club, dance & chat with other “clubbers” while watching live DJ streams

by Natalie Lim

If you’re a nightlife lover that’s craving for a party fix, Hydeout, a mega virtual music festival that’s happening in Singapore this March will be right up your alley.

Ever since the shutdown of nightlife operations, our favourite evening hangouts such as Zouk, f.Club and even siamdius (Thai discos) had to close down or pivot to other programmes.

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Photo: Facebook/Marquee Singapore

Though some of them tried to mimic the partying experience by releasing music mixes on their Facebook page, it just doesn’t cut it when it’s 2am and you’re home alone.

Mega virtual music festival Hydeout

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Photo: Hydeout

Whether it’s being shoved around by enthusiastic party people, drinking to your heart’s content or simply immersing yourself in the doomzi doomzi, we fully understand that a virtual music festival will never beat the actual partying experience. 

But Hydeout may be a game-changer. 

Source: YouTube/Rita Ora

Featuring 40 performances from various artists such as Wiz Khalifa, DJ Snake and Martin Garixx, you’ll be able to catch your favourite lineups in three different “worlds” — HydeCity, HydeIsland and HydeEscape. 

During the performances, artists will be transported on set and their live production will be mixed with virtual elements. In total, there are 20 distinct 3D stages to hype you up further.

Online avatars to interact with other party goers

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Photo: Hydeout

Yes, it’s a virtual event. But instead of just vibing with your Airpods, you can express yourself in a digital realm by creating and customising an online avatar. Your avatar will then be transported to the different “worlds” where you can “dance” while watching your favourite artists perform — Habbo Hotel anyone?

Photo: Hydeout

However, dancing alone is equivalent to being the only sober one in the room when all your friends are wasted. So while tuning in to the DJs, Hydeout also offers a Global Chat Room where you’ll be able to connect with other music lovers. 

Earn coins by playing games to unlock new episodes

Photo: Hydeout

For a more interactive experience, you can also play games, make new friends and earn HydeCoins from HydeGames. The coins can be used to purchase preview episodes of upcoming lineups or new avatar outfits.

The games include Hyde.Hoops, a basketball game where you have to score as many baskets as you can under one minute, Hyde.Chef, a Diner Dash-inspired game for you to satisfy hungry customers and Hyde.Attack, a two-player dodgeball. 

Hydeout Season Pass

Photo: Hydeout

Hydeout’s Prelude dropped on 25 January 2021 with Martin Garrix starting the show, but it isn’t too late for you to join in the fun. The Season Pass will get you unlimited access to all episodes in March and April, unlimited 5-day video playbacks, 1,000 Hyde.Coins and access to games and chatrooms. It will cost you S$67.15, or you can purchase it on Klook, where there’s an exclusive 10% discount (S$47).

But if you’re afraid of commitment, simply register yourself at www.hydeoutworld.com to get a Pay As You Go Pass. The pass doesn’t cost anything upfront and allows you to roam the site with the freedom of purchasing specific episodes you may be interested in. 

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I leave the office at 6PM on the . to rush home and play games. My boss has no control over me!!

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