Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day; you can either start off your day with boring bread or you can dig into an indulgent bowl of cereal and milk. If you’re one of those who choose the former, then you gotta head out to get yourself some Hershey’s Kisses Cereal.
Hershey’s Kisses are definitely one of the most classic snacks out there. We could just pop those bite-sized conical chocolates into our mouths all day long — so Hershey’s Cereal? A definite yes for us.
What makes it even better is that some ABC Bargain Centre and Valu$ stores in Singapore are stocking these Hershey Kisses Cereal at just S$4.95 a box.

Of course, some people might find it weird to indulge in decadent chocolate treats in the morning. That’s why General Mills had collaborated with The Hershey Company to make one of the smartest breakfasts to attract those with sweet tooth — a Hershey’s Kisses Cereal.
While they can’t be an exact substitute for actual Hershey’s kisses, every morsel in the box is moulded in the familiar cone shape of Hershey’s Kisses. Even if they don’t have that same creamy texture, we can just pretend it’s the real deal.

Some people on the net described it as having a similar flavour to another breakfast classic, cocoa puffs. So you get that nice “cronch cronch” sound to fully wake up — let’s be real most of us eat our breakfasts while still half asleep, especially in this WFH climate.
Plus, like with all chocolate cereal, the taste of chocolate gets absorbed by milk. So you just gotta drown all those cute morsels of Hershey Kisses Cereal, and you’d get some nice Hershey-flavoured chocolate milk to slurp up after you devour it all.

Tempted already? You can find an ABC Bargain Centre of Valu$ near you at this link here . Our favourite “fire sale” franchise really coming through with all those great snack deals. Thank god the “fire sales” didn’t actually happen, eh?
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The guy who will go on a 30 minute monologue about artisan coffee when you ask if they want Starbucks.