These unforgettable Korean drama moms will bring you on an emotional rollercoaster while showcasing the strength and sacrifice of mothers

by Marcus Leong

This Mother’s Day, spend some time with your mom these binge-worthy Korean dramas. The plot will have you sitting on the edge of your seats, crying your eyes out, and even sharing a hug or two with mom after everything is over because if there’s anything these shows will teach, it is the strength and sacrifice a mother has for their beloved children. Time to get streaming!

1. Han Seo Jin in Sky Castle 

Photo: IMDB

If you thought your mom was a tiger mom, this Korean drama will show you what a real tiger mom is like. Sky Castle is a hyper-exclusive neighbourhood where only a selected group of aristocrats and influential families get to live there. And if you thought rich people didn’t have problems, think again. In this neighbourhood, everyone is fighting (literally) and doing whatever it takes to secure the best for their children. 

Photo: IMBD

After watching this, you’ll feel even more thankful that your mom never forced you to attend tuition round-the-clock. I know I’m thankful that, unlike Han Seo Jin, my mom never put much pressure on me to excel in school. 

Available on Netflix

2. Cha Yu Ri in Hi Bye Mama

Photo: IMDB

If there’s anything that Hi Bye Mama will teach you, it’ll show you what a mother’s undying love for her child really looks like. Cha Yu Ri died in a tragic accident five years ago, leaving behind her young daughter and husband. However, she was allowed back on Earth for 49 days just to say her goodbyes. Of course, she spent those days watching over her precious little girl. Like every mom out there, saying goodbye to their child forever is probably the hardest thing to do. 

Photo: IMDB

This series will definitely make you cry and run to your mom to give her a big hug — because that’s what I did. I also found myself thinking about what I would do if I died and was given a chance to come back to earth for 49 days. 

Available on Netflix

3. Ji Sun Woo in World of the Married 

Photo: IMDB

You must be wondering what World of the Married is doing in this list of powerful mothers. Well, while this show predominantly talks about the ugly side of married life and divorce, there are also hints of sacrificial love shown in the drama. If there’s something I learnt while watching the show is that mothers are truly gifted with superhuman strength. 

Photo: IMDB

Despite having to navigate a marriage that was plagued by infidelity, lies, and many betrayals, Ji Sun Woo would also do anything within her power to protect her son from her no-good ex-husband. It’s time to acknowledge everything your mother does for you — apart from the nagging. 

4. Shin Jae Kyung in Twenty five, Twenty One

Photo: IMDB

Let’s face it, mothers do have it hard. Apart from having to deal with the pain of childbirth, some even have to put their career aspirations on hold, while others have to work doubly hard just to support the family. These selfless acts were certainly captured in Twenty Five, Twenty One. But the drama also explores how we, as children, feel when we are neglected by our moms — like Na Hee-do when she was in pursuit of her fencing dreams. 

If you feel like your mom works too hard — like Shin Jae Kyung — just know that she’s doing it for you too! Besides, you can always jio her out for tea and maybe even watch this drama together to help her unwind. 

Available on Netflix 

5. Oh Dong Baek in When the Camellia blooms 

Photo: IMDB

In When the Camellia Blooms, Oh Dong Baek exemplifies the definition of inner strength. Being a single mother, she faces plenty of gossip from her fellow villagers. To make matters worse, Dong Baek owns a bar which sees many men going in and out frequently. But as things get harder, she starts to become more outspoken and fight for what she believes in, especially when it comes to protecting her son. 

Photo: IMDB

While your mom might only nag at you now, I’m pretty sure that when the need arises, she will stand up and fight for you — at least, I know my mom would. If there’s anything that Dong Baek has shown me, it is that there is no love in the world that is greater than a mother’s love for her children. 

Available on Netflix 

6. Eo Yong Mi in Cleaning Up

Photo: IMDB

After watching Cleaning Up, I have a newfound respect for my mom and the cleaning aunty in the office. Why specifically these two people? Well, for starters, Eo Yong Mi works as a cleaner by day and a convenience store cashier by night. On top of that, she has a grouchy teenager and a growing preschooler at home to take care of. She is also working hard to pay off the debt incurred from her gambling addiction. But she only has one dream — to give her daughters a better life. 

Photo: IMDB

We’ve all certainly thrown a fit when our moms didn’t give us what we wanted —- guilty as charged. But this drama shows the extremes to which a mother is willing to go to see her dreams become a reality. Well, maybe not all moms would be willing to do something that is borderline criminal — mad props to Eo Yong Mi and gang for pulling off everything in this drama, though! 

Available on Netflix

7. Jin Young Soon in The Good Bad Mother 

Photo: IMDB

Well, as with everything in life, not everything is a bed of roses. In The Good Bad Mother, we see what life is like for those who might not have the closest relationship with their mothers. But if there’s one thing that you’ll learn from this drama, when the going gets tough and when you feel completely helpless, you can always count on your mom to have your back. 

Photo: IMDB

Kang Ho and Young Soon might not always see eye to eye, and most of the time their interactions might seem somewhat tense. But underneath all that, there is love tucked deep underneath their cold exterior. And as Young Soon will show in the episodes to come, mothers truly are some of the strongest, most courageous people in the world. Yet, they are also the most fragile. While watching some parts of the show, I found myself reflecting on my own relationship with my mom — don’t be surprised if you find yourself doing this too. 

Available on Netflix 

Which of these dramas will you be dedicating to your mother this Mother’s Day? 

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