MENTAL: Colours of Wellbeing is now at the ArtScience Museum after having been previously exhibited at Science Gallery Melbourne, and is an IG-worthy sensory treat for those seeking something new to do.

This exhibition features 24 interactive exhibits, art projects and large-scale installations that invite visitors into their own minds. These exhibits are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they also represent deeper meanings and explore topics surrounding mental wellbeing in an abstract manner.

In Wheel, you’ll get to run on an aesthetically designed ‘hamster’ wheel and watch it spin in rainbow-hued colours that mimic spiraling thoughts. Or if you’re into the future of AI, let a machine read your thoughts and perform a simulated dance based on them. Watch a balloon inflate and deflate before it eventually bursts in Even in Fear, which is an abstract installation on experiencing anxiety.

Take a look in an unusual mirror in Mirror Ritual, which perceives your emotional state, and in response it presents you with a machine-generated poem. The text gently fades onto the mirror’s surface, and is displayed for as long as you continue to gaze into your reflection. Inspired by the Theory of Constructed emotion, Mirror Ritual explores emotion as emerging from within an interaction.

And if you’re feeling spontaneous, hop over to the Hello Machine and have a call with a random stranger around the world, while exploring our collective interconnectedness and how your call can mean something to someone who needs it.

Casper’s Ex, a smartphone discarded by its owner, takes on the role of a personified ex unable to let go of the pictures and messages stored in its former owner’s phone, and comes to life to interact with visitors – and is a commentary on the codependence we have with our devices.

There are also art pieces that are more contemplative in nature, such as a short performance piece by caregivers of individuals with mental health conditions, an installation about experiences with therapy and addiction to the Internet, as well as a series of animated shorts about anxiety.

The exhibition centres around the theme of mental wellbeing, and highlights mental health conditions in a more understandable manner with visual representations and immersive experiences.
Guided tours are also available through the month of September at S$5. To complement the exhibition, ArtScience Museum is collaborating with Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) on a series of art and wellness workshops (S$35) such as contour drawing for self care, and art mindfulness with a featured artist- and comes with admission to the exhibition.
Do note that the exhibition covers topics such as anxiety, depression, suicide, abuse (warnings are detailed on the exhibition website as well as at the exhibit), and persons sensitive to such topics should exercise caution when visiting the exhibition.
If you’re looking for a unique exhibition experience, MENTAL: Colours of Wellbeing will take you on a colourful, yet contemplative sensory journey.
ArtScience Museum
Facebook | Instagram | Website
???? Marina Bay Sands, 6 Bayfront Ave, Singapore 018974
???? 10am – 7pm (Mon to Sun)
????3 Sep 2022 to 26 Feb 2023
???? S$18 for Singapore residents, S$21 for non-residents.
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