You can now play the Singlish version of Wordle — Word-leh!

by Christabel Tan

Eh you got play Wordle?”

Yes, yes, I do. I too play Wordle every day without fail.

The brainchild of Brooklyn-based engineer Josh Wardle, viral word game Wordle has swept millions off their feet. Many see it as an integral part of their daily routine. I know people who absolutely cannot start their day without flexing their winning streaks on Instagram stories. Okay, we get it. You’re “really good” with words.

But I do have to admit that Wordle is very addictive. It’s an effective concept, and naturally, spin-offs have emerged, including some with a cheeky local twist.

Word-leh! — Guess the five-letter Singlish word of the day

Photo: Screencap from @shamayn/twitter

Created by engineer Sha-Mayn Teh, newly-released Word-leh! is a Singlish spin-off that might have Singlish connoisseurs second-guessing themselves.

Photo: Screencap of Word-leh!

The same rules apply: you have six tries to guess a five-letter word. The only catch? The game accepts English words, but the final and correct answer will always be a Singlish word. Another key difference is the presence of a dark mode (bless my tired eyes), which the original game lacks.

If regular ol’ words aren’t up your alley, perhaps this will do the trick.

Photo: Screencap of Word-leh!

If you’re an avid train otaku, or you simply want to test your knowledge of Singapore’s MRT rail network, we’ve got another locally-made Wordle-inspired game for you. Shut the train doors and strap in, because you’re going to want in on this next game.

Geodle — Guess MRT & LRT stations

Photo: Screencap of Geodle

Geodle is another spin-off created by Reddit user u/Lifth, and it’s all about guessing MRT or LRT stations. Unlike Wordle or Word-leh!, Geodle requires players to visually map out the rail system. There is no five-letter word rule, and the distance (in kilometres) to the correct answer (or daily location, in this case) will be shown with every try.

Photo: Screencap of Geodle

Unfamiliar with LRT stations? Have never heard of Kadaloor or Rumbia? Fret not, for there is also an MRT station-only mode.

Mai tu liao! Send the game links to your friends or share them in your family group chat — and watch the chaos unfold.

Play Word-leh! here.

Play Geodle here.

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