If you ask any Singaporean which country they’re most eager to travel to right now, the answer might probably be Japan. News of Japan potentially opening its doors to free travel broke in September, with many wondering whether all travel restrictions, including the mandatory packaged tours and daily arrival cap, would be abolished.
Finally, that long-anticipated time has come — all tourists will be able to travel to Japan with visa-free entry from 11 October 2022 onwards.

Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, announced that Japan will be removing COVID-19 border controls, as well as the daily arrival cap, allowing visa-free entry to all individual visitors and foreign tourists. This comes after the news that pre-arrival PCR tests were scrapped for travellers with a valid vaccination certification (three doses of an approved vaccine).

If you’ve yet to make plans for the year-end holidays, here’s the perfect time to seize the opportunity to travel to one of our all-time favourite countries. We’ve missed the scenic sights and sounds of Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Sapporo, and more — all brimming with their own unique beauty and charm. You can also take advantage of Scoot’s direct flights and find yourself in Tokyo and Osaka in no time at all!

Personally, I can’t wait to feast on all the ramen, yakiniku, sushi, and authentic Japanese cuisine (also, a visit to Hokkaido’s Ganso Sapporo Ramen Yokocho, better known as ‘Ramen Alley’, is long overdue). Travellers can also take advantage of Scoot’s daily flights and plan that trip to the Land of the Rising Sun.

So if you’ve been eyeing tickets to Ghibli Park, which opens later this year, or are anticipating a visit to Warners Bros. Studio Tour Tokyo in 2023, it’s time to have a proper sit-down and start making those Japan travel dreams materialise!
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I'm always feelin' either boozy or boujee ✨