Travel to Japan is now open for travellers from Singapore, it’s finally time to plan that trip to the Land of the Rising Sun!

travel to japan

Konichiwa, it’s time to celebrate because we can now finally travel to Japan and head back to the Land of the Rising Sun and enjoy allll the ramen, allll the shopping, and everything else we love about Japan to our hearts’ content.

The news just broke that Japan is finally welcoming travellers from four destinations, the United States, Australia, Thailand and thankfully, Singapore too! 

travel to japan
Photos: Google Images

These are the only requirements we need in order to travel to and around Japan:

  1. You need to have received three vaccination doses 
  2. Visitors must purchase your own medical insurance 
  3. You must take part in packaged tours with predetermined itineraries approved by the government
  4. You are to be accompanied by a tour guide throughout your trip

Unfortunately at this time, individual travellers (read: if you’re not part of a packaged tour group) will not be allowed in. So if you’re dying to travel to Japan, it’s time to check out the available tour packages to your favourite destinations around Japan. 

Photos: Google Images, Keisuke Tanigawa

Having travelled pretty heavily prior to COVID-19, I was usually the one doing all the research and planning for trips with my friends – and it could get pretty intense, not to mention time-consuming. 

The silver lining in the current travel requirements to Japan, since independent travel, for now, is not allowed – joining a packaged tour will help to make your trip one that’s more convenient and less troublesome.

There’s no need to worry about doing heavy pre-research and planning when you can easily depend on your local tour guide and their recommended areas. Plus with the predetermined itineraries planned (and approved by the Japanese government), you can start to get excited about your upcoming trip, all that glittering travel potential and #mems you’re about to make.

travel to japan
Photos: Google Images, Kisa toyoshima

Also, as Japan is slowly easing travel restrictions and using this as a trial project to gather information for the full resumption of tourism to Japan, further details will be provided in due time – and we’ll hopefully see the full resumption of tourism to Japan sooner than expected!

Ready for your well-deserved trip to Japan? It’s time to check out the best tour packages!

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